SEO News Roundup: Aligning Technical and Non-technical SEO

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Tom Williams brings you the latest search engine optimisation news, including how to align technical and non-technical SEO with 5 top tips, the secrets behind modern-day SEO and paid links, plus quick wins for getting 'cream of the crop' organic traffic.

Align Technical and Non-technical SEO with 5 Top Tips


Technical and content. Both types of SEO have huge impact by themselves, but as Jim Yu stated in his article on 8th August, “It’s critical that they find ways to work together. Each is powerful on its own, but it’s in the combined efforts of both that the real magic happens.”

The sole purpose of technical SEO was initially focussed around coding, and that hasn’t changed. Now, as black hat SEO practises (which include hidden text links, cloaking and keyword stuffing to name a few) have become less favourable, doorways have opened for creative opportunities and ways to promote the value and relatability of content.

Jim Yu says:

Technical and non-technical should never be pitted against one another, as both are critical to the health of your site and the success of your campaigns. Technical SEO is the framework on which truly great content is built, ensuring that each piece is structured and optimized for search engine discoverability and human consumption.

Read more to discover his top 5 tips for aligning both SEO types effectively.

Meta Tags in Regular SERPS Are Being Ignored


Unless they work with websites that leverage numerous geolocations, SEOs may be unfamiliar with geo meta tags. But how does Google use these tags?

These are the aforementioned meta tags:

  • <meta name=”geo.position” content=”latitude; longitude”>
  • <meta name=”geo.placename” content=”Place”>
  • <meta name=”geo.region” content=”Country”>

According to Google’s John Mueller, Google doesn’t actually use those tags in search, but rather hreflang and regular geotargeting instead. However, rumour has it the geo meta tags could be used for local SEO – this is not usually included in organic SEO, and can be sometimes implemented by SEOs just to ‘cover their backs’.

5 Quick SEO Wins For Getting The Cream of the Crop


We all want to get the most out of our SEO spend and drive as much organic traffic as possible. Most people who are new to the SEO game find themselves searching relentlessly for one big solution, but the fact of the matter is, there is no such thing.

Jeremy Knauff says it pays to consider the ‘low-hanging fruit’ – tasks within SEO that generally get overlooked when planning and executing your strategies.

From URL structures to improving page speed and building internal links, it’s these tasks that can make a big difference to the success of your marketing efforts… but only when they’re done properly.

Knauff writes:

There are many tactics that, while not magical, are relatively simple to execute and offer a high return on investment.

Whiteboard Friday – What Every SEO Needs: Google’s Organic Quality Score


In last week’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand Fishkin explored the depths of a new concept – does Google have a quality score for organic search results?

Check out Rand’s latest video here.

There’s no proof as of yet, however, the concept is marginally similar to the Google AdWords quality score. Rand offers his advice with regards to boosting an organic search results quality score and discusses current theories surrounding this notion.

More SEO News and Advice

Read last week’s SEO News Roundup: New Update To Quality Rater Guidelines Revealed

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