SEO News: A Hefty Google Algorithm, New Integrated Search Console and Google Analytics Reports, and Google Keen

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Looking for the latest SEO news stories? Our Head of SEO, Tom Williams, talks us through a hefty Google algorithm, diagnosing contentful paint issues and a new discovery platform. Learn more.


SEO News: A Hefty Google Algorithm, New Integrated Search Console and Analytics Reports, and Google Keen

This time of the week always comes around so quickly! I’m here again to bring you up to speed with all the latest news within the SEO industry, from a possible algorithm update to a new content discovery platform called Keen.


Possible Google Algorithm Update Happening

This year has provided many ups and downs already, and the Google algorithm is no exception! There have been numerous algorithm updates announced during the first 6 months of 2020, and the latest one may have started earlier this week on June 23rd.

Barry Schwartz (from has reported an increased amount of chatter on WebmasterWorld, with many people seeing movement within the search results.

Looking at some of the tools that measure the level of fluctuation happening within the SERPs, we can see a big increase on June 23rd:

Cognitive SEO


Both tools above are showing spikes on June 10th, June 20th and June 23rd.

Have you witnessed an increased level of movement with your organic rankings lately? Let us know by tweeting us @clickthrough.


Google Search Console & Google Analytics: New Integrated Reports Coming Soon?

A number of people have received a new message from Google via Search Console. This message explains that Google are "working on a new experience that combines Search Console and Google Analytics data to provide you with more useful data about your site."

It was back in 2011 that Google initially launched this integration between Search Console and Analytics. It now appears they are looking to improve the data provided as part of these reports which is welcome news to many!

It will be interesting to see what comes off the back of this message – it’s definitely one to keep an eye on!


Discovery Platform Called Keen Quietly Announced by Google

Google have recently announced a new discovery platform called Keen. In a nutshell, it’s a machine learning service that promotes relevant content to its users based on their hobbies and goals.

Some are calling this platform a Pinterest competitor, but that description isn’t wholly accurate. Keen could become a new source of referral traffic so thought it was worth a mention here!

For those who don’t know, Google have something called Area120, where small teams can work together to bring innovative projects to life. Keen is part of this program, and is currently an experimental platform.

Google published a blog post on 18th June announcing Keen and what it’s all about, so it’s worth having a read of that!


Core Web Vitals: Diagnosing Largest Contentful Paint Issues

It was a few weeks ago that Google announced a Page Experience Update due to launch in 2021. As part of this, they launched a range of new metrics dubbed Core Web Vitals.

John Mueller of Google was asked via Twitter how webmasters should identify assets that are impacting largest contentful paint. His response was to use, which provides a very useful waterfall allowing you to identify single assets that are taking the longest to load.

If you’ve not heard of this tool, then I’d definitely recommend checking it out!

And that brings us to the end of this weeks’ SEO news roundup! Feel free to fire over any questions you may have by tweeting me @tommy_iv.


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