Say Hello to Joe Wheeler, Our New SEO Specialist

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This week we welcomed our newest SEO Specialist to the team, Joe Wheeler. We caught up with him about his CTM experience so far...


When did you join ClickThrough?

I joined the ClickThrough team on the 14th September 2020.

What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

As an SEO specialist, I help clients to get better results for their businesses by improving their organic performance on search engines. I develop, deliver and monitor SEO strategies on an ongoing basis to understand what’s working and what can be improved to ensure our clients are meeting crucial business KPIs.

What's your background?

Since graduating with a degree in Professional Writing with Creative Writing in 2017, I’ve spent the past several years finding my feet in the world of marketing. Working in general marketing positions has given me a good understanding of how separate pieces of the marketing puzzle fit together and has allowed me to find the area I’m most passionate about. In this time, I’ve had some great hands-on experience working on a variety of SEO projects.

What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

I love working as an SEO Specialist as it requires the use of analytics, psychology and creativity in order to create strategies that get results for clients.

What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

I really enjoy being surrounded by people with expertise in their field, and who are clearly passionate about what they do. After only a couple of days I felt very welcomed into the business by everybody, and I like that I have flexibility to work in a way that’s right for me.

If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

I’ve enjoyed working on some basic HTML / CSS projects in the past, so perhaps a career as a front-end web developer may have been something I would have enjoyed. Regardless of the specific industry, I would be looking for a role that’s creative and requires me to think strategically.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

I would probably trade places with somebody like Neil Patel so I could gain all of his SEO knowledge – then come back to work the following Monday and smash it!

What do you do in your spare time?

I listen to a lot of music and have recently started getting into collecting vinyl. My music taste varies from hip-hop through to indie and pretty much everything in between. I also enjoy a good horror book and gaming on the PC.


Wondering how our SEO services might benefit your product? Why not book in a conversation with our experts today? 

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