Meet Lewis Jewsbury, Our New Amazon Specialist

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Amazon is already the third-largest advertising platform in the US, and demand for Amazon marketing skills is sky-high. Those skills - plus his sparkling charm - explain why we're so delighted to welcome Lewis Jewsbury to ClickThrough, and we took the opportunity to ask him to answer the rapid-fire new starter questions. Here are the results...

When did you join ClickThrough?

March 23rd 2020

What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

Managing and optimising clients' Amazon advertising accounts in line with set KPIs. I'm also responsible for analysing listing performance and recommending improvements to enhance organic rank. In doing so, we're able to grow the client's brand presence on Amazon through a variety of Amazon-specific marketing services. This all helps to increase organic and paid sales.

What's your background?

I have a strong background in e-commerce, from product sourcing to online sales channels. I have been in this industry now for 6 years, ever since I started an eBay business. As I grew and learnt more, I began to focus more on the Amazon platform which was unique and exciting. This brings me to where I am today, an Amazon Specialist for ClickThrough.

What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

The ability to take complete control of a client's Amazon account and grow it from the ground up, with all the techniques I have learnt over the years - from PPC to organic product ranking.

What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

That the working environment is casual but professional, and that you feel right at home as soon as you join. Everyone here has outstanding knowledge in their field, which allows you to develop your skills and try new things. Everyone here is positive and hard-working, which keeps you motivated and energised throughout the day!

If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

I would have loved to become a lawyer or solicitor. The study time is long, but rewarding. But marketing offers that thirst to strive for bigger and better, so it's a win-win.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

Possibly some kind of rapper - possibly Eminem - just to see what that lifestyle is like. Go on stage, sing to millions of people, and be worshipped like a god. I guess it is only one week, so it would be interesting.

What do you do in your spare time?

In my spare time I like to play on my gaming PC, a spot of tennis when the weather is nice, long walks in picturesque places and working out, to stay fit and healthy (although I need to work on my diet). I also enjoy weekends away and relaxing holidays.

We're delighted to welcome Lewis onboard and know his Amazon knowledge will be highly valued by our clients. Get in touch today to find out how our Amazon services could help your product.

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