Meet June's Employee of the Month - SEO Specialist Scott Skerritt.

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This month, our coveted employee of the month award went to Scott Skerritt. We got to know Scott and found out more about his role in ClickThrough.

Announcing our employee of the month is always an exciting time for us at ClickThrough. This month, the award and coveted mug goes to SEO Specialist, Scott Skerritt!

Scott is the consummate professional in every way. His approach to client calls is calm and collected, using insights to explain the ‘hows and whys’ to performance updates. He thinks about the bigger picture and aligns with Content at every opportunity - he's been a massive help to me on the accounts we share and is a real asset to ClickThrough.

He’s getting on with tackling some difficult conversations, as well as leading integration between channels 😊”

We caught up with Scott to find out a little bit more about him, and how his role fits in at ClickThrough.

First up – can you tell us a bit more about your role here at ClickThrough?

I’m an SEO Specialist. My job consists of helping clients improve their SEO strategy through a variety of different ways. I mainly focus on technical SEO, but we work closely with the content and PR teams which are the other two pillars of SEO to deliver truly integrated strategies. My day-to-day generally consists of looking at performance, analysing the whys and hows, feeding my findings back to clients and supporting with the actual implementation of actions onto their sites.

What is your favourite part of the role?

My favourite part of the role is genuinely helping clients implement what we suggest and helping them solve complex technical issues. There’s nothing better than taking a complex issue and breaking it down piece-by-piece then seeing it all come together. I enjoy having the time to sit with no distractions and take on a challenge until I arrive at a conclusion, which clients can then go and implement.

How did you find the change going from working in house to working in an agency with multiple clients?

When I worked in-house, we did have different websites but the product offered the same end result for users. The biggest difference here is the amount of different industries we work in, which ranges from international retailers to automotive brands, and knowing what is happening in each of those industries.

What would you say you have gained from working at ClickThrough?

I feel like you’re exposed to so many different set ups, technical issues, SEO challenges and external factors. I never understood how much external factors can affect industries in different ways. That understanding and ability to tie it in with client performance is the number one thing I’ve gained so far at ClickThrough.

What three words would you say describe you?

Inquisitive, hard-working, and analytical. I feel like in SEO you have to be inquisitive and should want to look into things out of pure curiosity. You can end up going down a bit of a rabbit hole, with the end result improving the overall strategy. I say analytical because I like to have data to back up the decisions we make from an SEO perspective.

What do you plan to spend your voucher on?

I’ve already jumped the gun and spent a little already. I chose Amazon for my voucher, and I’ve ordered a butter dish, a nice slick black one. I think with the rest of it I may just spend it on renting films on Amazon Prime.

Do you have any inspiring words for anyone who is thinking of joining ClickThrough?

I’d say GO FOR IT. The exposure to different scenarios and clients is second to none because we work across so many different industries. We work towards many different types of business goal and that experience is invaluable to someone looking to start in the industry. The people here are genuinely talented, they are all really passionate about their industries and know it back to front so you learn so much from everyone. That’s not just for SEO, but anyone looking at joining Digital Marketing as whole.

Want to chat about how we can take your SEO and content to the next level? Get in touch with our experts to find out more about our conversion-centric SEO and content services.

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