The DPM Update: YouTube Tests Live-Stream Shopping

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Live-stream shopping, story translations and free courses - read about the latest news you need to know in the world of DPM.


It's that time of the week where the DPM masters of the universe update you on all of the latest news from the past week, including updates from YouTube, TikTok and more!

As always, we begin with our interesting fact of the week. Did you know that the Kangaroo Mouse never drinks water? The Kangaroo mouse, native to the Nevada Desert has learnt to adapt to their dry desert habitat by getting all their hydration from the seeds they eat - meaning they never need to drink water. Now for some worldwide DPM news!

YouTube Launches Test of Live-Stream Shopping:

YouTube live stream shoppingYouTube is beginning to test a live stream shopping function. This will allow an integrated shopping experience where viewers can access information on the creator’s credibility to be more informed when purchasing through YouTube. While watching a live-stream video you can now shop and browse linked products as the video plays without interruption. This will boost product discovery and provide more relevant related content.


Instagram introduces Language Translation on IG Stories:

Instagram Stories TranslationInstagram have been on the ball recently with updating their features to increase the accessibility of the app for all users. The platform has now included a feature that allows users language translation on Instagram stories, when captions and text appear on the story in another language, you can now tap on the text to get the option to view the messaging translated on screen. The platform notes that 90 languages are currently supported on the site, this will allow brands to reach new markets and let promotions be translated easily.


LinkedIn Offers Free Certification Courses:

Exciting news from the world of LinkedIn, the platform has launched free certification courses to its users that can be shown on your profiles to document achievements of marketing knowledge. Due to the increasing demand of digital marketing skills, LinkedIn is offering free courses where users can learn more about the platform’s advertisement tools and features, from how to launch a campaign to marketing tactics. At the end of the course there is a 60-question exam that can earn you a certificate on your LinkedIn profile once passed.


TikTok Launches Spark Ads:

TikTok has launched a new ad type, the feature allows brands to sponsor trending organic content that correlates with their product offering. This new feature allows brands to boost awareness and association without having to create anything themselves. It works by promoting organic unbranded videos, where the brand can reach out to creators and repurpose their original videos for paid campaigns. Such as a makeup brand repurposing a beauty influencer's video that showcases one of their products.

Well that's a wrap! Join us next week for more DPM news!


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